Painting the Saw Blade

One of the greatest rewards from sharing our farm and farm properties with others, other than meeting and receiving so many positive comments from guests guess, is the opportunity to help and work with locals. The two cleaners are at the top of my list. They are special people I have enjoyed working with and getting to know. They both do a great job, are super reliable, and have even picked me up on days when I have been down. Great people!

Carol, who cleans the See Rocks Cabin, lost her son Jeff to cancer a few years back. I didn’t have the opportunity to meet him, but from the stories she tells, he sounds like a great son. Jeff built Carol a log cabin she is living in and finishing out since he died before completion. Carol tears up at the thought of him, which about breaks my heart. After seeing the artwork I’ve painted for our cabins, she asked me if I could paint her something in memory of Jeff. I was honored and grateful to have the opportunity and the perfect way to thank her for the hard work she provided me. She had the perfect canvas, an antique sawblade that stood about 4 1/2 feet tall. The finished painting sits at the head of the driveway leading up to her cabin. Giving her this and watching her see it for the first time was memorable. Thank you, Carol.